Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Am I the right coach for you?

- Are you shocked that you are at mid-life and wonder how you "missed" the first half of your life?

- Do you feel that everyday you are only living for others like your family, your boss or to "pay bills"?

- Is everything in your life something you "have to do" as opposed to what you "want to do"?

- Are you afraid that you will never realize the dreams of your youth?

- Do you feel like you don't have enough energy and wonder how much worse it is going to get?

- Do you feel like your marriage is stagnant and void of any passion and excitement?

- Are you jealous of people younger then you?

- Do you say "if I only knew what I know now back then" when you think of your youth?

- Do you wonder if you will ever be financially secure?

- Do you feel that it's just "too late" to make the life you dreamed of?

- Do you feel fat and unattractive?

- Do you spend alot of time thinking about the "mistakes" you've made and wish you had gone a different direction in your life?

- Do you feel trapped?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I can help you. Imagine for a moment that you were able to go back to when you were 2-3 years old and plan out exactly what you wanted to do with your life. Would it have turned out different? Would you have been in a different career? Would you have been in better physical shape? Would you have more financial security? Would you have taken more risks? Would you have better relationships? Herein lies the greatest single advantage you have in the second half of life compared to the first half. You CAN plan out the second half of life. You CAN start making right decisions from the principals you learned the "hard way" during your youth. But it won't happen by itself. If you don't take action, get serious and honest about who you are and what you really want in life, the second half will go by even faster then the first did and you will be out of opportunities to make your life everything you wanted. That's where I come in.

I am completely committed to helping you craft the life you always dreamed of by building off of the life experiences you have already gone through. Nothing is a "mistake" as long as you learn from it. Those "mistakes" of your past will now provide you with the very principles that can make the second half of your life truly incredible, passionate and joyous. It is my honor to help encourage, educate and empower you to a completely new life. A designed life. A life you choose. This is a life of impact. This blog is dedicated to those who want to start living a life of "choice". Each week we will go through various elements of a passion-filled, authentic, fulfilling life. Its never too late to create the life you want.

It doesn't matter where you are right now my friend. You can be in financial ruins. You can have health challenges. You can have relationships that are in rubble. You can be exhausted. You can be afraid. You can have scars. You can feel like there is no way to turn it around. I will gladly meet you right where you are because I know you can start this program from anywhere. Its a simple matter of applying "life principles". As I go through teaching you about the principles of life you will likely begin to recognize the inherent truth in them. As you read about a principle, ask yourself "have I already learned this to be true in my life?" Often, if not always, the answer will be yes. Once you have really accepted the truth of a principle, it becomes much easier to apply it. This is what is meant by "the truth shall set you free". I will NEVER ask you to do anything that you can't easily see is truth.

To begin to make real changes that propel you to an exceptional "second half" you must leverage what you have learned in the first half of life. The hard lessons that often caused you pain and suffering are actually the keys to the fulfilling life of your dreams. Often we bury these past hurts. We don't want to experience the pain. Remember, that what we can't "be with" controls us. If you can't be with the feeling of delayed gratification, you probably don't have anything in a savings account. If you can't be with "failure" you probably haven't tried to do anything great. If you can't be with "success" (yes many many people are afraid of this even more than failure) you probably sabatoge yourself at every turn. If you can't be with some discomfort, you probably don't exercise enough. If you can't be with "guilt", you probably would rather fight than say you're sorry. The impact on your relationships will be quite evident if that is the case. I will teach you how to be with those things you have never been able to "be with".

I am so excited for everyone who chooses to join me on this adventure toward creating the best "second half" imaginable. I am so honored to be your coach.
